Scientific Name: Ricinus communis
Common Name: Castor Bean
Species Most Often Affected: all
Poisonous Parts: seeds
Primary Poisons: ricin, albumin
Link to web page(s): toxicagents/ricin.html
Questions possibly pertaining to Ricinus communis:
Should I be concerned about the castor bean plant in my yard?
Do you know of any plants that kill gophers?
Are mimosa trees toxic to horses?
What is the most poisonous plant in the world to humans?
What kind of a poisonous bean could you put in a soup?
Is it possible for ricin to be absorbed through the skin and cause death?
Could Ricin be used by terrorists?
I need some information about Ricin...
Could you tell me some more about the Castor Bean plant?
Could you answer some questions about powdered Ricin for me?
How should I reference some information I took off of your website?
What are the most poisonous plants on earth?
How is Ricin different than Elapid snake venom?
Is Tonka bean flavoring poisonous?
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