Frequently (and not so frequently) Asked Questions
BRIEF: Can you get Selenium poisoning from drinking too much milk?
Can you get Selenium poisoning from drinking too much milk?
It is true that selenium (Se) is transferred to the milk, which is good for
calves and people in those parts of the US that are selenium deficient. You can
have alkali conditions without excessive selenium, so the best thing to do is to
test your forages, your home-grown and purchased grains, your drinking and stock
water and the milk from your beef cows (you hold her, I'll milk:) ). Then you
will know what you are dealing with.
The fact that your cattle and horses have never had any symptoms is encouraging.
Yes, people do get Se poisoning. There have been chronic cases of Se toxicity in
people in Eastern Montana. That does not mean you will, but you have been very,
very wise is taking a close look at all of this before you have a problem.