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"Poisonous" does not mean deadly. Some manifestations of toxicity are subtle. The dose, as always, determines if a plant is safe source of nutrients or a toxic hazard.

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BRIEF: Can give me some advice?

I have a son who has been diagnosed with ADHD. I have taken him off the ritlin and have put him on some herbs put out by Twin Labs and I have been informed that Kava Kava might do the same as the five that he is on. Could I get your opinion on this or refered to someone that might have a insite or any information on this or any other alternative ways to help my son out.


I am not a physician and would not begin to suggest a treatment for your son's ADHD. If you are not happy with ritilin, then you should seek a qualified physician that shares your assessment, yet has some safe, well-proven alternatives. Formal legal classifications notwithstanding, neurologically active active compounds in herbs are drugs as far as the body is concerned and most are not as well-known as ritilin. Kava kava has been used for hundreds of years because it is believed to have calming, antianxiety effects. It has been observed that its use leads to more talking, and less inhibition (is that what you are lokking for????), and some feel it is a pain killer at higher doses. People have used it as an alternative to valium. My unqualified, inexperienced, seat-of-the pants take on this is that it would seem to be just the opposite of the sort of drug you would want to give young people with ADHD. I sure understand ones reluctance to use ritilin on your son, but throwing a bunch of drugs at this kid (even if they carry the honorific label of "herb" in our society) without any idea of how they might effect him doesn't seem to me to be much of an alternative. Perhaps a good psychaiatrist/psychologist/physician/educator can help you out with some non-drug means of helping your son enjoy his education and preparation for adulthood. For example, when another student and I displayed these symptoms in the pre-ritilin era (Eisenhower-Kennedy administrations), the teacher allowed us to go out and whack a tetherball around if we produced perfect work in a short period of time. We learned to focus, stopped disrupting class and it only cost the school a little wear and tear on the tetherballs. OK, a LOT of wear and tear. On the other hand, perhaps we didn't have ADHD, that diagnosis was unknown way back then and disruptive behavior was not something parents often took kids to the doctor for. We just could have been hyper, annoying, overachiever brats.