If you receive a message saying "no rows found", it means that the plant you are searching for is not in our database. Otherwise, you may click on the scientific name to view the image(s).
Scientific Name | Common Name(s) | Species Most Often Affected | Parts Poisonous | Primary Poison(s) |
Abrus precatorius | Rosary Pea | all | seeds | abrin |
Amanita spp. | Monkey Agaric, Panther Cap, Death Cap, Death Angel | all | cap? | toxalbumin, amatoxins |
A. muscaria | Fly Agaric | all | cap? | ibotenic acid and muscimol |
A. pantherina | Panther | all | cap? | ibotenic acid and muscimol |
A. verna | Destroying Angels | all | cap? | amatoxins |
Cicuta spp. | Water Hemlock, Cowbane | all | roots, all | cicutoxin |
Claviceps spp. | Ergot | all | fungus | indole alkaloid |
Conium maculatum | Poison Hemlock | all | all | coniine |
Ricinus communis | Castor Bean | all | seeds | ricin, albumin |
Taxus cuspidata | Yew | all | leaves, seeds, twigs | taxine |
Zigadenus spp. | Death Camas | all | all, bulbs, leaves, flowers, pollen | zygacine |