Poisonous Plants affecting Dogs

Dogs are very inquisitive. Sniffing, smelling, and usually tasting almost anything in sight are natural behaviors for a dog. For that reason, we commonly see dogs ingest items that are not their food and at times can be very dangerous poisons.
There are two major areas where such danger may occur: inside the house, and outside of it. These areas are different in terms of what types of poisons the dog may be exposed to. In the house, dogs usually get themselves in trouble when they are bored. Outside it's usually the dogs' curiosity that endangers them.
The most common problem in the house is the ingestion of rat poison, which can be very tasty to your dog, but has a compound that can cause a life-threatening bleeding. However, there are many other poisonous things in the house that your dog can ingest. Such things as: human medication, all kinds of cleaning solutions, chocolate, antifreeze, yard chemicals that are stored in the house and, of course, some house plants. To avoid this problem you can follow the ten tips for a poison-safe house.
However, we will mainly concentrate on the toxicity of poisonous plants affecting dogs in these pages. In order to prevent poisoning by house plants, you should not buy and place house plants in your home that will put your dog in danger. Outside, there is a constant problem of ingesting poisonous plants. Try adding bran flakes to your dog's food or switching its diet to one higher in vegetable fibers. If that helps, then perhaps the chewing of plants was due to a lack of fiber in your dog's diet. The only other thing to do is to monitor your dog's 'picking' behavior when walking outside. When you see symptoms such as: vomiting, diarrhea, difficult breathing, abnormal urine (color, smell, frequency, etc.), salivation, weakness, and any other abnormal condition - take your dog to the veterinarian because it may be poisoned. You can also call the ASPCA animal poison control center for help - it's open 24 hours a day.
Categories of plants affecting dogs

- House Plants
- Flower Garden Plants
- Vegetable Garden Plants
- Plants Found in Swamps or Moist Areas
- Plants Found in Fields
- Trees and Shrubs
- Plants Found in Wooded Areas
- Ornamental Plants
Click "Search Database" link to the left to see a detailed list of plants affecting dogs. Please do not assume that a plant is "safe" if it is not listed here. If your pup has eaten something you are not sure is safe, check with your veterinarian.